
For our last trip, and long-day weekend, my friends and I traveled to Vienna, Austria. My friend Anne’s grandma stressed the idea of visiting Vienna, and was very nice to get us a suite at the Palais Coburg. This hotel was decorated so well with multiple real Christmas trees, so the lobby smelled so nice of … More Vienna


A few weekends ago my two friends and I traveled by train from Barcelona to Valencia, Spain. The train only took about three and a half hours. Unlike Barcelona, Valencia is not located in Catalonia, therefore the do not speak Catalan.  It was interesting being in another city in Spain without seeing Catalan Independence flags flowing … More Valencia

Podcast Post: What I am going to miss the most about Barcelona

Wow, I cannot believe the semester is coming to an end. Fourteen weeks flew right by! It seems like yesterday we arrived in Barcelona and met all of our roommates and neighbors and went around in a circle trying to pronounce and remember our address in Spanish “trescientos veinticiente Dos de Maig.” What I’m going … More Podcast Post: What I am going to miss the most about Barcelona

Parasites and Homeland

A few weekends ago my roommates and I were supposed to travel to Paris to see our friend, Kaitlyn, who was studying abroad there, but due to increased travel cautions and recent terrorist attacks in Paris, we stayed in Barcelona instead. There was a silver lining in this road-block because my roommates and I all started feeling … More Parasites and Homeland

Valenti Esta Loca

This past week we had the pleasure of having guest speaker, Valenti Sanjuan visit our journalism class to speak to us about his experiences of being a modern day journalist.  Valentí is a video-blogger who strayed away from traditional journalism after working for a radio channel for many years to start his own talk show … More Valenti Esta Loca

Multimedia Project: Report on Alice&Olivia Spring Collection

  For my multimedia project, I chose to report on one of my favorite spring collections. I have never had the opportunity to attend an Alice & Olivia runway show, but I ironically met a girl named Sara Hader who is Stacey Bendet’s second cousin, and who also interned for the brand, Alice & Olivia … More Multimedia Project: Report on Alice&Olivia Spring Collection


This week in class we discussed marketing in politics; the discussion was aimed at Obama´s succession in his 2008 political campaign through social media.  Arguably, social media is what made Obama win the 2008 presidential election because of his ubiquitous and constantly updated presence on all popular social media outlets.  Think Franklin Delano Roosevelt who … More Politics

Morocco 11.12.15

This past weekend my friends and I traveled to our long-awaited trip to Marrakesh, Morocco. We flew out of Barcelona to Casa Blanca, and then had a connecting flight to Marrakesh. The minute we arrived in the airport we felt like we weren’t in Europe anymore. Walking off the plane to the baggage claim, we … More Morocco 11.12.15


Marketing and advertisements are something we see on a daily basis. Whether you are out around shopping around near a Zara store and see a Zara billboard of a fashion ad that is “selling the dream” to you, or whether you are scrolling down your Facebook feed and see advertisements pop up that look familiar … More Marketing